Allyson Hadley

Allyson Hadley

What drew you to yoga?
– Yoga was originally introduced as a recovery modality when I was an athlete in college. I then introduced the practice to my Dad and it quickly became a part of the foundation of our relationship. The last few years yoga pulled me into a new layer within myself and became a sacred portal of prayer that led me into the depths of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience.
What is your yoga background?
– After having a personal practice for over a decade, I traveled to Columbia to complete my 200hr yoga certification with Ancestral Academy. The certification covered Vinyasa, Kundalini, Hatha and Bhakti yoga as well focused on how to weave all of these practices together to create extraordinary experiences. I also was an Exercise Professional in the early days of my career and have extensive understanding of how to weave the biomechanics of the body with the sacred tradition that yoga is rooted in.
What flavor do you bring to Ida?
– Much of who I am has been birthed in shamanic and sacred medicine work and therefore through the portals of kundalini and vinyasa, you will feel like you are taking a psychedelic journey beyond your physical form. You will be encouraged to meet your energetic and spiritual body through an energizing and intentional experience that is designed to ignite and activate your most liberated and embodied self.
What is the gift that yoga has given you?
– Yoga is an integral piece of my root system. It continues to be the steady force that keeps me grounded through all of the obstacles and challenges life has to offer. My time on the mat has showed me how to not take life personally, but to observe every sensation, emotion and experience from a place of equanimity, compassion, grace and love.